Gymnast Dress Up Games

The Olympics are almost over, but the games can go on forever if you play gymnast dress up games. Of course there aren’t many online dress up games designed with the Olympic athletes, but that’s an easy hurdle to overcome. You only need pictures of the girls (or boys, if you prefer) and a basic ability to draw.

Print out a picture of your favorite gymnast, or cut out one from a magazine. Then use a sheet of white typing paper or real tracing paper on top of the cut out. You can trace outfits on the white paper that you can cut out for your gymnast to wear. Since so many pictures of the gymnasts are in leotards, it makes it easy to design new clothing options that can be worn right on top of the original one.

When you start creating outfits, you’ll want to show all the warm-ups and leotards the girls wore during the competition. You’ll also want to pull together some clothes for when the girls sit through other competitions that their friends and colleagues are competing in. Finally, the night-life in the Olympic village is lively and fun, so you’ll want to draw your gymnast some evening looks that she can wear when she’s out celebrating that silver medal.

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