Beating Summer Boredom with Dress Up Games

Summer is moving along, and now that the fireworks and festivities are over, you might be wondering what to do with yourself for the rest of your time off. If you’re already bored, why not try a new twist on an old game?

Dress up games on the computer are a great way to entertain yourself and any of your friends or sisters who show up bored to tears, too. You used to dress up dolls, but now you can dress up online dolls instead in the current fashions. You might even stumble across a celebrity dress up game and be able to give the Jonas Brothers or another favorite a few new outfits.

Dress up games can be much more than simply throwing clothes on a doll base. There are hundreds of items to choose from, and when you’re done, you don’t have to just undress the doll and start over – although you can. Rather than just nixing your design, you can use your doll as your computer background, the avatar or picture on a MySpace or Facebook profile, or even just print out a copy to use on your wall.

Every time you feel the doldrums coming to get you, don’t just sink farther into the couch cushions. Drag yourself to the computer and spend some time getting creative and having fun, although you can still complain of boredom to your parents in hopes of earning a season pass somewhere fun.

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