Dress Up Games: Try Out New Looks

One of the best, most informative dress up games out there is to try out different looks – particularly in school. In any given school setting you’ll find a wide range of fashions. You have the goths, the emos, the punks, the preps, the jocks and so on. It’s also very likely that you’ve settled into a fashion role based on your friends and what feels most comfortable to you.

To really try out everything you can in high school, though, you should include different styles – literally. Build a small wardrobe for each of the major styles you want to try. You might warn your friends in advance about your experiment as they might think you are ditching them for a new crowd.

Gather your wardrobe together and actually dress fully in a style for a week. The first week might be goth with long sleeves, long dark skirts, ruffles and romance. The next week is punk with tight pants, heavy boots, and a bit of leather thrown in for good luck. Keep trying on styles until you find one that you really like. Although if you’re like most people willing to play with style, you’ll soon learn that you like elements of each and your look will become totally eclectic. Then it will be solely your own style that doesn’t need a label.

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